Japanese Sealed Promo Sets
6 items

1998 Pokemon Southern Island Rainbow Island Sealed Reverse Holo Set Mew, Onix, and Pidgeot NM/MINT
Wizards of the Coast
$135.00 $200.00

1998 Pokemon Southern Island Rainbow Island Sealed Reverse Holo Set Togepi, Ivysaur, Rattata NM/MINT
Wizards of the Coast
$45.00 $75.00

1998 Pokemon Southern Island Rainbow Island Sealed Reverse Holo Set Tentacruel, Marill, Lapras NM/MINT
Wizards of the Coast
$45.00 $75.00

1998 Pokemon Southern Island Rainbow Island Sealed Reverse Holo Set Exeggutor, Slowbro, Wartortle NM/MINT
Wizards of the Coast
$45.00 $75.00

1998 Pokemon Southern Island Rainbow Island Sealed Reverse Holo Set Lickitung, Vileplume, Primeape NM/Mint
Wizards of the Coast
$45.00 $75.00

1998 Pokemon Southern Island Rainbow Island Sealed Reverse Holo Set Ledyba,Jigglypuff, Butterfree NM/Mint
Wizards of the Coast
$45.00 $75.00